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Gratis toegankelijke publicaties van Belgische Psychologen
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Klinische Psychologie Clinique



België - Belgique












Sabbe Bernard

Lemmens G., Heireman M., Naeyaert E. en Sabbe B., Familiediscussiegroepen: Een netwerk van verbindingen



Sabbe Bernard

Lemmens G., Heireman M., Naeyaert E. en Sabbe B., Les groupes de discussion de familles: un réseau de mise en relation



Salamon V

Tordeurs D., Poot F., Janne P., Reynaert Ch., Salamon V., Approche psychologique de différentes dermatoses:Evénement de vie et propension à se plaindre.



Schouten Ben

Peeters Tim, De Bock Karel, Cayenbergs Karen, DeNoël Kelly en Schouten Ben, Meta-analyse over de psychometrische eigenschappen van enkele veelgebruikte projectieve technieken


Schuller Anne-Marie

Schuller, A.-M. & Rossion, B. (2001). Spatial attention triggered by eye gaze increases and speeds up early visual activity. Neuroreport, 12(11), 2381-2386.


Schouppe Jan

Jan Schouppe & Lieve Baro Wat is Psychotherapie ?


Seron Eléonore

Yzerbyt, V. Y., Estrada, C., Corneille, O., Seron, E., & Demoulin, S. (2004). Subjective essentialism in action: Self-anchoring and social control as consequences of fundamental social divides. In V. Y. Yzerbyt, C. M., Judd, & O. Corneille (Eds.), The psychology of group perception: Perceived variability, entitativity, and essentialism. London: Psychology Press.


Smeesters Dirk

Smeesters, D., Warlop, L., Van Avermaet, E., Corneille, O. & Yzerbyt, V. Y. (2003). Do not prime hawks with doves: The interplay of construct activation and consistency of social value orientation on cooperative behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 972-987.


Smis Wilfried

Kun je me (nog) horen ? - Over de individuele opvang binnen de leefgroep


Snauwaert Boris

Snauwaert, B., Vanbeselaere, N., Duriez, B., Boen, F. & Hutsebaut, D. (1999). Living Apart Together? On ethnic identity dynamics and intergroup relations between allochthons and autochthons. In M.C. Foblets & C.L. Pang (Eds.). Cultuur, etniciteit en migratie. Culture, ethnicity and migration. Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. E. Roosens. Leuven: Acco.


Snauwaert Boris

Duriez, B., Luyten, P. Snauwaert, B., & Hutsebaut D. (2002). The importance of religiosity and values in predicting political attitudes. Evidence for the continuing importance of religion in Flanders (Belgium). Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 5, 35-54.


Soetens Eric

Smulders, S., Notebaert, W., Meijer, M., Crone, E. A., van der Molen, & Soetens, E. (2005) Sequential effects on speeded information processing: A Developmental Study European Journal for Child Psychology, 90, 208-234.


Spruyt Karen

Slaapgewoonten en -stoornissen bij schoolgaande kinderen


Steemans Luk

Groepsleiding : tussen Sint en Piet ? - Omgaan met rolverwarring, -verwachting, -verstarring, -vervulling, ...


Storms Gert

Verguts, T., Storms, G., & Tuerlinckx, F. (2003). Decision bound theory and familiarity effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 141-148.


Storms Gert

Verguts, T., Ameel, E., & Storms, G. (2004). Measures of similarity in models of categorization. Memory & Cognition, 32, 179-189.


Storms Gert

Verguts, T. & Storms, G. (2004). Assessing the informational value of parameter estimates in cognitive models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36, 1–10.


Sulas Filip

Desimpelaere, P.,Sulas, F., Duriez, B., Hutsebaut, D. (1999). Psycho-epistemological styles and religious beliefs. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 9(2), 125-137.
