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Text Publications of Belgian Psychologists |
Psychologie Clinique |
België - Belgique |
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Gailly Antoine |
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Geeraert Nicolas |
N., Yzerbyt, V. Y., Corneille, O., & Wigboldus., D. (2004). The return of
dispositionalism: How dispositional suppression leads to a linguistic
rebound. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40,
264-272. |
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Geerardyn Filip |
De dialectiek
tussen de materialiteit van de betekenaar en het onnoembaar object., Psychoanalytische
Perspektieven, 1998, nr. 34/35. |
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Goffaux Valérie |
Rossion, B.,
Gauthier, I., Goffaux, V., Tarr, M.J., Crommelinck, M. (2002). Expertise
training with novel objects leads to face-like electrophysiological
responses. Psychological
Science, 13,
250-257. |
* |