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JosDuchIt's downloads
Gui4Cli Why?
Reusing code - the sharemenu way


DT Gui4cli Interface
DT Gui4Cli Introduction
YG Gui4Cli forum
YG Gui4Cli files
DT Visual editing
DT tips

CLI Interface






Use of environmental variables


Variables starting with a dot .MyVar are Environmental variables.
They can be easily read and changed by other programs.
This is a uite powerfull interfacing interface


Use of clipboard


Amiga has 256 clipboard units You can save and load a listview from clips:0 till clips:256 SetClip and GetClip added in OS4, version


Use of multiple screens




Use of Menu's

Mouse and mouse position


internal variables

Preprocessing (parser commands)


- mostly used to load their content as a file in a listvieuw
- allows to define multiple lines environemental variables, by chosing env:.MyEnvVar as destination
- hence normal variables too, assigning them the env variable's value My var = $.MyEnvVar


allows digital character manipulation


ALL Events Amiga All Events Windows

New Events appreciated

Events Questions Gui4Cli general Suggestions Sharemenu env: and .variables

Amiga events

per type LV Hooks LVDirHook HookID, LVHook HookID xButton L T W H Title xCheckBox L T W H Title Variable OnText OffText ON|OFF xVSlider L T W H Title Variable Min Max Current ShowStr xHSlider L T W H Title Variable Min Max Current ShowStr xTextIn L T W H Title Variable StartingText Bufflength xCycler L T W H Title Variable xRadio L T W H Variable Spacing xArea L T W H COMP|BOX|NONE xPalette L T W H xListview L T W H Title Variable File|Dir Offset NUM|TXT|MULTI|DIR xMenu Menu Item SubItem Shortcut xIcon L T IconName (no .info) xAppMenu AppMenuName Variable ONOFF xAppIcon L T IconName Title Variable ON|OFF xAppWindow Variable xPipe PipeFileName ON|OFF xTimer TIME|SINGLE|REPEAT Time|Interval ON|OFF xNotify File|Dir ON|OFF xHotKey KeyCombination ON|OFF xRoutine RoutineName xOnKey Letter|#KeyValue xOnReturn LaunchID xOnJump Variable System Events xOnLoad, xOnOpen, xOnClose, xOnQuit Other Events xOnActive, xOnFail, xOnDiskIn etc..

Amiga Events alph

alphabetic LV Hooks LVDirHook HookID, LVHook HookID xAppIcon L T IconName Title Variable ON|OFF xAppMenu AppMenuName Variable ONOFF =>~ WinAttr APPWIN xAppWindow Variable xArea L T W H COMP|BOX|NONE xButton L T W H Title xCheckBox L T W H Title Variable OnText OffText ON|OFF xCycler L T W H Title Variable xHotKey KeyCombination ON|OFF xHSlider L T W H Title Variable Min Max Current ShowStr xIcon L T IconName (no .info) xListview L T W H Title Variable File|Dir Offset NUM|TXT|MULTI|DIR xMemu Menu Item SubItem Shortcut xNotify File|Dir ON|OFF xOnJump Variable xOnKey Letter|#KeyValue xOnReturn LaunchID xPalette L T W H xPipe PipeFileName ON|OFF xRadio L T W H Variable Spacing xRoutine RoutineName xTextIn L T W H Title Variable StartingText Bufflength xTimer TIME|SINGLE|REPEAT Time|Interval ON|OFF xVSlider L T W H Title Variable Min Max Current ShowStr System Events xOnLoad, xOnOpen, xOnClose, xOnQuit Other Events xOnActive, xOnFail, xOnDiskIn etc.. -------------------------- GRAPHIC Events ------------------------- Graphics The following commands : BOX L T W H IN|OUT BUTTON|RIDGE|ICONDROP CTEXT L T Text FontName size FGpen BGpen UL|BD|IT|EMBOSS|SIZE(mask) LINE L T L T ColorNo SQUARE L T W H ColorNo FILL|NOFILL CIRCLE centerL centerT xradius yradius ColorNo FILL|NOFILL ICON L T IconName (no info) Text L T W H Text Length BOX|NOBOX Gauge L T W H IN|OUT BUTTON|RIDGE|ICONDROP APEN BPEN PERCENT xTextBox L T W H Title Text xAppWindow =>~ WinAttr APPWIN


all Events
1. Events (visual)
xArea = H-UT-V
xBrowser + H-UT-V
xButton = H-UT-V
xCheckbox = H-UT-V
xCombo + H-UT-V
xEdBox> + H-UT-V
xGroupbox ?BOX : NH-V
xIcon = H-UT-V ?
xImage = H-UT-V
xListview = H-UT-V
xProgress : NH-GA-VU
xRadio = H-UT-V
xSpliter + NH-UT-V
xTab + H-UT-V
xTextbox = H-UT-V
xTextIn = H-UT-V
xTrackbar : H-UT-V
xTreeview + H-UT-V
xUpdown + H-UT-V
1.1 Visual events without LTWH -----------"Events which have no LTWH"
xMenu = H-UT-V
xReqfile = H-GT-IV
xRebar + NH-GA-VU
xStatus + NH-GA-VU
xToolbar + H-UT-V
2 Non Visual Events - Gui Manip
xOnLoad = H-GT-IV
xOnOpen = H-GT-IV
xBeforeClose + H-UT-V
xOnClose = H-UT-V
xOnQuit = H-UT-IV
xOnReload = H-UT-IV-KB
--------- 3. Mouse events
xOnDoubleClick + H-UT-MS
xOnWheelUp + H-UT-MS
xOnWheelDown + H-UT-MS
xOnMark + H-UT-MS
Keyboard events
xHotkey + H-UT-KB
xOnKey = H-UT-KB
xOnBrowser + H-UT-V
xOnDrop + H-UT-MS
xOnFail = H-NT-IV
xOnHelp = H-UT-MS
xOnTextIn = H-UT-KB&MS
xRoutine = H-GT-IV
xTBarIcon + H-UT-VE
xTimer = H-OT-IV
xWait + H-OT-IV
Name addressable events xEnum + H-GT-IV Parser "events" xTextFile = NH- xVariable + NH- xAttr + NH-GA-IU xONRETURN = H-OT-IV
H Happening all 
NH Non happeningxAttr
==== Triggering
GA xAttr xRebar xStatus
GT xEnum xOnload, xOnreturn, xrOUTINE 
OT xTimer xWait xOnreturn
NT xOnfail
KB Keyboard
IV Invisible
MS mouse 
V  Visible
iU xAttr
VE TBarIcon


Since events 'happen' the use of this name for non happening 'events' is not really acceptable

Parser Commands ? (NEWFILE TEXTFILE => xTextfile + Include)

Parser anchor := event, graphic element ,

1. Non-happening events ; 										NH
	- user accessible  ; 										NH-UA
		xSpliter (presently non happening)
	- not user accessible/gui accessible 								NH-GA
		xAttr (data storage element)

			.. gui visually changeable-updatable (Amiga Text Gauge Image xTEXTBOX) 		NH-GA-VU
				xProgress, XRebar				.. gui internally changeable-updatable												NH-GA-IU
				xAttr ?

	- inaccessible visible graphic elements ? (Amiga Line, Circle, CText )        			NH-IA-V

2. Happening events						H
	- User triggered events				UT
	- Gui triggered events				GT
	- 'System/outer triggered events 		OT
	- Selftriggering 				ST
		eg xRandom that would trigger at random times (eg queue simulations)
	- Not triggered 'events'			NT
			xONFAIL ?

V Visible Gadget  on the Gui
VE Visible element elsewhere
IV Invisible +

SG (system gadget)

MS Mouse

KB Keyboard