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Gui4Cli Gui downloads

The author D. Keletsekis site

Comparison Windows & Amiga versions

Essential download full 3.8 archive

with documentation, tutorials and very usable gui's

Install instructions taken from the previous archive here

a presentation of gui4cli by D.Keletsekis

an appreciation of gui4cli by John Chandler

Here is Gui4Cli's guide and its changes
Je kan een Nederlandse versie hier downloaden

Most of the programs below have been updated and are so, regularly. Send me an email to get the latest one.

Many thanks to members of the yahoo Amiga-C & Amiga-C2 mailing list for helping me make the 3.8.5 source work under SAS/C and compilable under gcc too, and porting it too OS4. Many thanks especially to Joerg Van de Loo, the author of BareEd, for his consistent help, and encouraging, without which i doubt i would have succceeded.





Gui4Cli V3.8.8 05/01/14 Essential for OS4:The Gui4Cli executable for OS4; enhanced stability; xPIPE does not work; other functionality OK . systematic
LP_Icons.gc V1 05/01/2014 A simple "project manager" leaving out & putting away preset lists of icons systematic
OWB_.gc V5.2 14/07/2010 A hotlist structure manager for OWB,Netsurf & IBrowse Readme . systematic
OWB_.gc V5.01 09/07/2010 A hotlist structure manager for OWB,Netsurf & IBrowse Readme . systematic
OWB_.gc V5.00 08/07/2010 A hotlist structure manager for OWB,Netsurf & IBrowse Readme . systematic
Gui4Cli V3.8.6 19/12/06 Essential for OS3:The Gui4Cli executable for OS3 . systematic
CoverBed.gc V1.0 26/02/07 A sophisticated GUI to BareEd Editor by Jeorg Van de Loo, double saving & HTML edition . No, ask for latest .
CommandBuilder.gc V1.0 15/12/05 An innovative and productivity boosting start program using (and allowing to create) Command Selections File selections and recursive expansion. No, ask for latest .
CED_.gc V1.0 01/08/02 Gui4CLi programming' oriented commandbar to CynusED with sophisticated search
possibilities and double saving (backup on other partition)
No, ask for latest .
FlashFind.gc V-.- 10/05/01 A very userfriendly gui for the Flashfind (Frank Würkner) search program No, ask for latest .
Maillist.gc V-.- 27/02/01 Gui to make off-line searches on existing Amiga Maillists (388 groups). Subscribe & unsubscribe easily using YAM Final .
Table.gc V-.- 27/02/01 Gui to correct HTML files that don't print well, notably with IBrowse 2.2 Final .
Yam2Asc.gc V-.- 22/01/01 A gui to transfer & rename messages from YAM folders into chosen directory structure No, ask for latest .
GuiCreator.gc V1.4 16/02/00 A gui to create & add gadgetbanks ( button-,textin-, banks (or gadgets) to an existing or new gui "on the fly" No, ask for latest .
AGuide.gc V-.- 11/02/00 A gui to create and edit amiga guide documents. No, ask for latest .
RTFDate.gc V-.- 11/02/00 A gui for WordWorth, to help in transforming and manipulating of file formats, dates, etc. Final .
Fred.gc V-.- 04/01/00 A nice children's game - It teaches kids to recognize words corresponding to icons showing animals, and do arithmetic calculations. Final .

The number of usefull programs written must be more than hundred by now. Contact me for any program you are hunting for that manipulates ASCII files, directories ,...

Contact the author ?
