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The xTIMER event uses the Amiga's timer.device to provide
acurate, system friendly timming events. There is three ways
you can ask to be notified :
TIME - trigger event at the given time
SINGLE - trigger event after given interval
REPEAT - trigger event *every* given interval
example :
xTimer time 7:30 ON - event happens at 7:30
xTimer single 5 ON - event happens in 5 hours
xTimer repeat 0:1:30 ON - event happens every 1 min, 30 secs
===========>>> Time format
The time must be given as 24HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS, i.e.
7 means 7 hours (use 24 hour notation)
7:30 means 7 hours and 30 minutes
0:0:30 means 30 seconds (could also be 00:00:30)
- note : for separators you can use ':', '/', '-', or '.'
==========>>> SETGAD the xTimer ON|OFF :
This Event can start as ON or OFF.
When it starts as ON, the request to the timer.device is sent
as the gui file is getting loaded - as soon as the parser reads
the event.
You can give it a GADID and thereafter SETGAD Gui ID ON|OFF
whenever you want. If you set it OFF (or when you quit the gui)
if there are any pending timer requests they are aborted.
NOTE : *every* time you SETGAD a timer ON the time request is
issued again - even if the xTimer is type 'SINGLE'.
The HIDE and SHOW keywords have no effect on timers.
=========>>> Updating the xTimer :
The UPDATE command can be used to change the time interval:
Update gui id 10:30:25
This will have the following effect, according to the timer
type :
TIME - will set the time to be woken to 10:30:25
SINGLE - will wake you up in 10:30:25 hrs from the time
you issue this setgad command - if there were any
requests already issued they are cancelled.
REPEAT - will wake you up every 10:30:25 hrs
Again, all pending requests (for *this* timer)
will be cancelled.
==========>>> Behaviour
The Timer is as accurate as possible. However, Gui4Cli is
a multi-tasking program and there may be something else going
on when the timer event is triggered - maybe you're using the
menus or have a ez-requester open, or commands are executing..
If this happens you will 'hear' the event *after* whatever
you are doing finishes and Gui4Cli gets around to notifying
If this happens in a REPEAT timer, and if while you are busy
many such events happen (i.e. if you set the interval to 1 sec
and many seconds pass while you are messing around with something)
then you will hear only *one* of the events - i.e. the REPEAT
events will *not* be stacked.
==========>>> Related stuff :
See also the $$SYS.TIME related Internal variables
Example (an alarm clock) : RUN gui - See Source