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  SYS internal variables

  These try to tell you some things about the amiga system:

  ========= >>> Time & date

  $$SYS.TIME - the current time (ex: 10:30:25 - hh:mm:ss)
  $$SYS.TS   - the seconds part of the above time (i.e. 25)
  $$SYS.TM   - the minutes part (i.e. 30)
  $$SYS.TH   - the Hours part (i.e. 10)

  $$SYS.DATE - the date (see below for formats)
  - following available *only* for dd-mm-yy (CDN) format:
  $$SYS.DD   - the Day part of the above date
  $$SYS.DM   - the month part
  $$SYS.DY   - the year part

  $$SYS.DAY  - the day of the week (i.e. Monday)

  By default the date format is DD-MM-YY (15-07-98)
  You can change this with the SET command :
  > SET DATEFORMAT number - where number can be:
  0 = DOS format -> dd-mmm-yy  (15-Apr-98)
  1 = INT format -> yy-mm-dd
  2 = USA format -> mm-dd-yy
  3 = CDN format -> dd-mm-yy (default)

  NOTE : the $$SYS.DD/DM/DY vars expect that the day is 1st,
  the month 2nd etc. If you use the USA mode for example,
  the $$SYS.DD will contain the month. With DOS format all
  hell breaks loose..

  ========= >>> Screens & windows

  $$SYS.AW    - will give you the title of the Active Window.
                Any window.. not just a Gui4Cli window

  $$SYS.AS    - will give the active screen title
  $$SYS.ASN   - Active Screen Name (if it's a public screen)

  $$SYS.FS    - Frontmost Screen Title 
  $$SYS.FSN   - Frontmost Screen Name (if it's public)

   - Screens : Note that, if you need other data for a screen 
  (width etc) you can do this :
  .temp = "G4CnScreen MyScreenNamen"  ; create a temp gui
  GuiLoad env:.temp                     ; load it
  info gui .temp                        ; make it "current"
  ; now all the $$SCR.xx vars will show you this screen's info 
  delete env:.temp ; be tidy :)