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SET [parameter] [value]
With this command you can set the following GLOBAL parameters :
BUFFERS BufferSize
Gui4Cli uses about 14 internal buffers to do all translating,
command line forming etc. Their size is, by default, 1024 bytes.
This means that your command lines, variables, listview lines,
rexx commands etc, can *not* be longer than this size.
You can increase (or decrease) the buffer size with this seting.
ex: Set Buffers 2000
Set buffer size to 2000 bytes - remember Gui4Cli will allocate
14 of these buggers..
Note: you can learn the current buffer size with $$G4C.BUFFERS
Will globally set the method by which Directory listviews will
sort their list. If you give DATE for example, the most recent
dirs/files will go to the top. The default (NORMAL) is to sort
them alphabetically.
Will set the images that will be displayed in Dir LVs, for the
respective items. So <SET ImDEV mydevimage> will cause the image
named "mydevimage" (which must have been loaded first with
LoadImage) to be displayed in front of every Device name in the
Device list.. Looks great :)
Note also that you can show images anywhere in listviews by stating:
> this is a ESCMyImage test.. (where ESC is the escape char)
SndOpen/SndClose/SndGad/SndRMB/SndKey Alias
Will set the default sound that will be used everytime the given
event happens. So, <SET SndClose MySample> will cause the sample
"MySample" (which must have already been loaded) to be played
every time a window closes. "SndGAD" - happens everytime any gadget
(for which you have not declared another specific sound with the
Attr/SetAttr commands) is selected. Respectively, "SndRMB" happens
when the RightMouseButton is pressed and "SndKey" when any key is hit.
You can set all these very easily from the Gui4Cli.gc gui.
SPEAK Rate/Pitch/Sex/Mode/Volume/Freq
Set parameters for speaking voice (see Speak )
This will enable or disable the internal debugger of Gui4Cli.
Use CONTROL-D to do the same thing..
You can get debug information in two ways :
One is by starting Gui4Cli in DEBUG mode. This will show you
exactly which line is executed, as it is written in your file.
Or you can use this new form of DEBUG which can be started/stopped
at any time, without having to start up G4C in debug mode. The new
one will show you cryptic statements instead of KeyWords and Opera-
tors, but is otherwise same.
Also, if you press any key while in any debug mode you'll get it's
Code & Qualifier values.
After v3.5 the DEBUG mode will no longer print out the
GET:/SET: variable value - statements any longer.
You can SET DEBUGVARS ON|OFF, if you prefer the old method.
If you set this ON, Gui4Cli will pop up a requester before every
command line is executed, when in DEBUG mode. This allows you
to control execution. You'll probably never need it - I used it
in tracking down enforcer hits..
Will start/stop the on-line help system. See also GadHelp
GRID GridSize
Will set the Grid size for Visual Editing
ex : Set grid 5
Will set the directory that the Status Requester LOAD button
will open on.
Usually all arguments will be translated by Gui4Cli.
In some cases though you may not want something translated.
With this command, you can set the translation OFF.
This will last for one round of command executions.
Translate will automatically be set on again after all commands
have executed.
Setting DEEPTRANS OFF will stop Gui4Cli from translating variables
within variables. As with TRANSLATION, this will only last for one
execution cycle.
This comes useful in many situations such as the filetype checking
routines in guis:tools/getfiletyle which are now much faster.
OUTPUT ConsoleSpecification
All output from CLI commands or Gui4Cli error reports, will
go to the default console .
If you want to change this console you can do it with this.
You can specify KCon: for example, or NIL:
The default file pattern for all file requesters, is :
You can change this with this command.
EDITOR EditorName
The default editor which will be called upon to edit the window
when the user presses CONTROL-E, is "c:ed". Change it with this.
The default GUI file name extension for Gui4Cli is #?.gc
(i.e. anything ending in ".gc" - subfiles end with ".g", ".g1"
or any other scheme that you may want to make up..)
You can change this (but it is not a good idea)
Global flag to Show or Hide the Volumes when showing the device
list in directory listviews.
MARGINS Side/Top/TopDistance
Globally sets the title (TITLE Attribute) margins:
Side : the distance the title will be from the side of the gadget
(if the title is LSIDE or RSIDE)
Top : The distance it will be from the left ot right side when
the title is ABOVE or BELOW the gadget
TopDistance : How far the text should be placed from the top or
bottom sides of the gadget.
- The default setting is : 5/10/1
TBMARGINS Horizontal/Vertical
Globally set xTEXTBOX inner margins, ie the distance the text should
be from the side of the box. (default = 5/4)