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 SPEAK TextString

  Will use the "translator.library" (LIBS:) and the "narrator.device" 
  (DEVS:), both of which you must have, to speak the given text. 

  The speaking is done synchronously - i.e. Gui4Cli will stop and wait 
  for the speaking to finish before proceeding (I tried to make it
  asynch, but couldn't get it to work..)

  > Speak 'What a nice day!'

  There are several speaking parameters which can be adjusted. 
  This can be done with the SET command :

  - SET SPEAK Rate/Pitch/Sex/Mode/Volume/Freq

  Will change the voice used in speaking to the new values you give.
  These can be:

          Default   Min    Max
  Rate      150     40     400
  Pitch     110     65     320
  Sex         0      0       1 (0=Male, 1=Female)
  Mode        0      0       2 (0=Natural, 1=Robot, 2=Manual)
  Volume     64      0      64
  Freq    22200   5000   28000

  So, if you want to reset the defaults, you would say:

  > SET Speak 150/110/0/0/64/22200

  Example :  Run Gui   Source 

  There is also an extended structure with more settings, things
  like "pertrubation" and "centralization" but I've no idea what
  they do or mean, so I'll leave them alone..

  If you know and can tell me which are important and how they 
  can be easily implemented, tell me..