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 Listviews are very powerfull gadgets. They can take many forms
 and have many  dedicated commands . This is their template :

 > xLISTVIEW L T W H Title Variable File|Dir Offset Mode
   where :

 Title    : is a string that will be placed to the left (by default)
            of the listview. Usually you'll give a "" i.e. no title.

 Variable : is the variable where the lv's value will be stored.
            This "value" varies according to the type of listview:
            DIR type LVs will store the file name you clicked on.
            NUM type LVs will store the number of the line.
            All other types will store the text of the line.

 File|Dir : This argument is the name of the file that the LV should 
            load. When Gui4Cli loads your gui, it will look for this 
            file, and if it finds it, it will load it.
            Listviews will display any kind of file, text or binary.
            There is one special kind of text file though that will
            be interpreted as a  DataBase  file. This allows you the
            use of %fields and other neat stuff.

            You can create a file on the fly if you want, with the 
            TextFile command. The file can be changed any time with 
            the LVChange command.

            For DIR type LVs this argument is the name of the 
            directory the LV should open on. You can therafter change
            this with the  LVDir  command.

 Offset   : LVs can be shifted right/left by clicking on the left 
            or right quarter of the gadget. This "Offset" argument 
            specifies the number of characters it should shift.
            You can set a 0 value, to disable this feature.

            Also, Gui4Cli will automatically move the CURRENT LV 
            if you use the arrow keys:

            - Up/Down/Left/Right arrows - normal movement
            - Control key + arrows - Fast movement
            - Shift + arrows - go to top,bottom,left,right of document.

 Mode     : The mode can be NUM, TXT, SHOW, MULTI, or DIR.
            This argument defines the LV's type. Listviews come in 3 
            basic types, according to the last keyword you use :

 Normal  :  (NUM or TXT or SHOW)
 The normal listview is a single-select simple listing of a file.

 Example :  Run Gui   Source 

 > xListView 10 10 200 100 ListView Var dh0:MyFile 10 TXT

 This is a listview which will show the file "dh0:myfile" and when
 clicked upon, the Text (TXT or SHOW) of the line you clicked on
 will be placed into the "Var" variable. If you had given the NUM
 keyword (instead of TXT or SHOW) then the line number of the line
 would have  been stored into the variable.

 The difference between TXT and SHOW, is that SHOW will show you
 the selected item i.e. the line clicked on will remain
 highlighted, until an other line line is clicked.

 Multi-Listviews : (MULTI)
 Example :  Run Gui   Source 

 This is how a multi-select listview is defined :

 > xListView 10 10 200 100 ListView Var dh0:MyFile 10 MULTI

 (i.e. change the last keyword) - This kind allows you to make
 multiple selections and read them afterwards. This listView will
 only "Happen" if the user double-clicks on an item - then this
 will be stored into the variable.  You can "read" the selected
 items at any time.

 See the Directory ListView explanation - they both work in the
 same way.

 Directory Listviews : (DIR)
 Example :  Run Gui   Source 

 These are File/Dir listers and this is how to get them :

 > xListView 10 10 200 100 ListView Var dh0:MyDirectory 10 DIR

 These types have more dedicated commands and need more  explanation .

 DataBase Listviews:
 NUM,TXT,SHOW and MULTI listviews can also load a special type of
 file which will make them into  DataBase Listviews .

 Database listviews allow you the use of Fields and other goodies.

 Understanding ListViews & their Commands :
 Listviews have the following  dedicated commands 

 Listviews are governed by the notion of CURRENT LISTVIEW and
 CURRENT LINE (of the current listview).

 The CURRENT LISTVIEW is the one on which all listview commands
 will act on.

 A ListView becomes current when the user clicks on it. All
 listview  commands executed thereafter will refer to that

 The Current ListView can be changed with :

 > LVUSE  GuiFile GadID

 Now, all commands will use the specified listview.

 Each listview is made up of a number of lines (or "records").
 Commands that act on individual lines (like LVPUT) will act on 
 the CURRENT LINE of the listview.

 The current line is the line that the user last clicked upon,
 but that can also be changed to any line you want with the
 LVGO command.

 More over, commands like LVSEARCH, LVADD etc will change the 
 CURRENT LINE to the line they return or add etc.

 The  internal variables  $$LV.LINE, $$LV.REC and $$LV.TYPE will
 always show you what the CURRENT LINE of the CURRENT LISTVIEW
 is. Each listview will keep track of it's own CURRENT LINE,
 and remember it throughout it's life.

 Starting with V3.2, listviews will interpret ANSI sequences such
 as "#27[32mText is now white", and render text in colors or bold
 italics etc.

 Example :  Run Gui   Source 

 And it was a real bitch to get it right, too...

 You can show images anywhere in a listview by stating in the text, at
 the place you want the image to appear:

 > this is a ESC\MyImage\ test.. 
   (ie Escape-BackSlash-ImageName-Backslash)
 (where ESC is the escape char and MyImage is the image's alias)

 ie you embed the image name with ESC on one side and  again at the 
 end. Note that the image must already be loaded with the  LoadImage 
 command. Note also that an image can be the height of the line - no
 more. If its heigher it will be clipped. You can increase the line
 height with the LVLINEDIST attribute.

 You can change various things about a listview, using  Attributes .

 RESIZING Listviews :
 xLISTVIEW gadgets do not resize properly, because gadtools insists
 on limiting their height to a multiple of the font height. I have
 added a drawing routine which will fill in the remmaining space at
 the bottom with a beveled box. 

 This can be disabled globally with:  SET  LVFILL OFF