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Gui4Cli is a new way of programming. It's event driven, logical,
easy and interpreted (i.e. made from plain ascii files and not
This gives it many advantages, such as :
1.- The GUI is separate from the program, which means that :
(a) You can have many GUIs loaded, without the programs they
are meant to control being also loaded. This means less
memory is used.
(b) A programmer can write a program without bothering about
the Wait() loops, intuition messages, resizable, font
sensitive windows, workbench start-up code and all the other
stuff he is supposed to do to make a GUI for his program.
Just grab the command line arguments and run ! (like the good
old days :)
(c) The program thus written will not only be smaller, but
will also be more flexible since the user can use it as he
sees fit.
2.- The user can change the GUI to fit his preferences.
With the new Visual Editing facility, the gui becomes
completely plastic and changeable by the user at will, while
it's running! This is very important because many programs
fail on the functionality of their GUIs, not being as
intuitive as the user would want them. A GUI is, just a way
to communicate with the user, so let the user decide how he
wants to be told what to do..
3.- The user can incorporate the GUI, with other GUIs.
There are many wonderful small utilities for the Amiga, which
can be combined into common GUIs, as functions would in a
4.- With the (simple but sufficient) ARexx capability that Gui4Cli
has, the user can make many different GUIs to take advantage
of a program's ARexx interface (look at the CygnusEd demo).
5.- The user gets standard keyboard shortcuts and a standard working
environment with every GUI. Much easier to remember.
Apart from the above, Gui4Cli is also simple and stand alone.
This means that anyone can use it, without programming knowledge
compilers, libraries and/or patience.
Some of the other Features it has, are :
- Can open unlimited resizable, windows of various types.
- Can handle all Gadtools Gadgets & Menus, easily.
- Visual Editing makes it *very* easy to construct guis.
- Keyboard shortcuts for gadgets & menus
- Can use icons as Buttons, Window background or in Menus
- ARexx interface (for sending and receiving ARexx commands)
- C interface (for adding new commands)
- Can use different fonts for gadgets, menus and graphics.
- Has Graphics commands for lines, boxes, circles etc.
- Standard keyboard shortcuts which apply to all windows.
- Much more..
- Give me a break.. isn't the above enough ?
Apart from the above, Gui4Cli programs, being 7 bit ASCII
files, can be sent through the Internet.
- So what ? I hear you say.
- Well.. ok, I just thought I'd mention it..