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 ACTION  <action>   Source   <destination>
 This is a command which will recursively scan the directory tree
 and perform the given <action> to the Source.

  LVAction  will do the same things, but to all the selected 
 files/dirs of a given dir listview.

 The ESCAPE key - hit while a Gui4Cli window is active - will abort 
 any operation taking place.

 The "Source" can be a File or a Directory - *not* a device.

 The Actions that can be performed, are :

 COPY       Will copy the file or dir to the destination.
            ex : ACTION COPY dh0:MyDirectory ram:
            Action COPY (also  COPY  and  LVACTION COPY ) will check 
            if the destination file exists and is more recent than the 
            source. If yes, it will warn you (as is done by Dir-Opus, 
            Windows etc) and ask you if it should proceed (with Yes, Yes 
            to all, No etc..)

 COPYNEW    Same as copy but will only copy files created at a later date
            than the destination files (if they exist).

 MOVE       Will move the Source to the destination (or just rename them
            if they are on the same device).

 DELETE     Will delete the source file or dir.
            You *must* give a destination. This can be anything or
            "NOREQ". If you state "NOREQ" you will suppress a
            "Delete Files ?" kind of requester that will otherwise

            ex : Action delete Ram:t/MyDir NOREQ - Will delete dir
            Ram:t/MyDir, without asking you first.
 SIZE       Here, <destination> must be the name of a variable where 
            the total size of the File or Directory (or all dirs/files
            for lvaction) will be stored.

            ex : Action SIZE ram:t/MyDir  MyVariable

            The sizes will be shown in the listview next to the dirs.

 PROTECT    Protect requires that the <destination> argument be a MASK
            denoting the protection bits you want to set the file
            to. This MASK, is a 7-digit number, where each number
            can be a 1 or a 0, showing that you want the given bit

            Each digit represents :
            1st   Delete    -> 1 means file can NOT be deleted, 0 it can.
            2nd   Execute   -> Used by shell commands - set to 0 (I think)
            3rd   Write     -> 1 = File is writable
            4th   Read      -> 1 = File is readable
            5th   Archive   -> 1 = File has not changed
            6th   Pure      -> 1 = File is program that can be made resident
            7th   Script    -> 1 = File is a script

            ex : Action Protect DH0:MyDir 1000000  
            - Protect all files in dh0:MyDir from deletion.

 CLI        This is new with V3.0 and it allows you to execute a 
            command recursively through a directory and all it's
            subdirectories, for all files found therein. There is a
            special internal variable called $$FILE which will be
            valid whenever Gui4Cli is recursing through the files of
            a directory. Using it you can do this (for example) :

            ACTION CLI MyDirectory 'search $$FILE string'

            and all the files within the directory and it's subdirs,
            will be searched. This command is very important, because
            it can take simple CLI commands and make them recursive -
            saves on a lot of code repetition..