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WinOut "ConsoleSpecification"
Specifies a console window to be used to send any output of CLI
commands that are called by the program (if any).
It is best NOT to use this command, unless you must, since each new
console that you specify with WinOut, takes up extra memory.
If there is output, and no console window has been specified, the
default window will be used.
If Gui4Cli is started from a shell, the shell itself is the default
window. If you give the command Run >NIL: (or >NIL: <NIL:) Gui4Cli,
there is no default window!
If run from workbench, Gui4Cli will define a default window, and
output, if any, will go there. The default window is :
"con:0/12/450/80/Gui4Cli Output/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT"
You may change this with the TOOLTYPE/CLI options or the SET command.
Gui4Cli messages (error reports etc) will be output to the default