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ENV: Variables
An ENV: Variable MUST start with a . (full stop character)
SetVar .MyVar "This is my env variable"
.MyVar = "This is my env variable"
will both create a small file in the env directory called ".MyVar"
and containing the above string.
You can also declare/set an env variable with a double full stop :
..MyVar = "This is my env variable"
This will create a env: variable by the name of "MyVar"
i.e. 2 fullstops will result in a variable without full stops.
This comes in useful when you want access to env: variables
set by other programs.
Env variables can be used just as if they were normal vaiables.
The [start][length] will also work on them.
Env Variables are much slower than normal variables (although
quite usable), but since they are actual files which AmigaDOS
can refer to they are sometimes extremely useful.