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TTGET FullPath/IconName (Without the ".info" extension)
This command reads ALL the tooltypes in your GUI's icon and
automatically converts them into variables .
This is useful for any situation where you
need to give your GUI a configuration.
Tooltypes for GUI icons MUST contain an equal "=" character.
An example tooltype would be:
> EDITOR=Work:Text/Editors/Editor
TTGET would understand this as:
> VariableName=VariableContents
Everything BEFORE the "=" character becomes the NAME of the
variable. VariableName must NOT contain spaces. Using the
example tooltype, you would get a variable called:
Everything AFTER the "=" would become the variable's
CONTENTS. So we have a variable called $EDITOR which
> Work:Text/Editors/Editor
The Variable's Name will always be converted to Upper case
to avoid confusion, since Gui4Cli variables are case
sensitive, and will be added to the GLOBAL variable list.
To use TTGET in your GUI, you must first initialize (set
the default value) of the variable, preferably early on in
the script. For example:
> EDITOR = "default value" TTGet Dh0:MyDir/MyGui.gc
When using TTGET you must supply the FULL path and filename
of your GUI icon, without the ".info" file extension.