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 FINDING your way in other people's systems

 1. Locating your own gui
 Whenever you make a GUI which other people might also use, you
 will need to know various paths where you can load any helper
 GUIs or icons that your GUI needs, since you don't know how other
 people's systems are set up.

 There are 2 ways of doing this :

 1st is to use the  Extract  command, as
 follows :

 > Extract MyGui.gc GuiPath MyPath

 Now variable MyPath will contain the full path of MyGui.gc GUI.
 You can now assign this path, or use it to AppVar various other
 GUI names and load them.

 There is a much easier way though, and that's by putting a ":"
 character in front of the filename or icon name..

 > GuiLoad :MyGui.gc

 Gui4Cli will automatically convert the ":" character to the full
 path of the GUI in which this command exists. This method also
 works with icons, so you can do :

 > xIcon 10 10 :MyIcon

 and the icon will be loaded from the current file's path.
 Also, with the File argument in a xLISTVIEW.

 2. Locating a file in the path
 It is very important to make sure that you start-up Gui4Cli via
 the c:GUI command, or run it via a shell, so that it inherits
 your CLI path.

 Even so you will many times need to get the full path of some
 command or utility, since you can do this:

 > RUN "Resident MyProg PURE ADD"

 and Gui4Cli will find the "Resident" command and run it, but the
 "Resident" command will *not* find the "MyProg" command, even if 
 its in c:, since it does not search through your path!

 To find the full path of a file in your path you can use Extract:

 > File = DPaint
 > Extract File FULLPATH File

 Now "File" will either contain something like "DH0:mydir/DPaint"
 or, if DPaint was not found in your path, "" (nothing).