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    LVGO      first|next|prev|last|#LineNumber

    This command will change the current record of the LV *without*
    visually moving it.

    The arguments you can use are :

    First     go to the top record (Number 0)
    Last      go to the last record
    Prev      go to the previous record
    Next      go to the next record
    #Number   go to given record number (top = 0)

    For example - the following code will print out the LV's contents:

    LVUse MyGui 1                 ; use LV No1 in MyGui
    LVGo first                    ; goto the 1st record
    while $$lv.line > ''          ; while there are records (or lines)
       say '$$lv.recn'           ; print the line
       LVGo next                  ; go to next record
    endwhile                      ; end of while loop
    say 'Boy.. that was easy!n'  ; superfluous comment :)