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L T W H -> (L)eftEdge, (T)opEdge, (W)idth, (H)eight
These 4 values are the sizes you declare for windows, gadgets & ASL
requesters. Apart from normal numbers, you can also use the following
numbers, which have special meaning :
L = LeftEdge - if L is a negative value :
- If used with a window or requester, then these will be
centered horizontally on the screen.
- If used with a gadget, then the gadget will be centered
horizontally in it's window.
T = TopEdge - if T is a negative value :
- If used with a window or requester, then these will be
centered vertically on the screen.
- If used with a gadget, then the gadget will be centered
vertically in it's window.
NOTE : The Left & Top sizes you declare will be offsets INSIDE the window.
Do not account for the window border, it will be added automatically.
W = Width - if W is less than or equal to 0, then :
- If used with a window or requester, their width will
be the SCREEN WIDTH minus this number
i.e. -1 will make a window 1 pixel smaller than the
screen size, and if 0 it will be screen sized.
- If used with a gadget, the width of the gadget will
be the width of it's window minus this number.
H = Height - if H is less than or equal to 0, then :
- If used with a window or requester, their height will
be the SCREEN Height minus this number
- If used with a gadget, the height of the gadget will
be the height of it's window minus this number.
The only case where the above does not apply, is to the WinSmall
command - look at it to see the meanings.