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  CutVar  SourceVar  CUT|COPY  CHAR|WORD|LINE  Amount  DestinationVar

This command allows you a little control over what your variables contain.

It allows you to CUT or COPY a specific AMOUNT of CHARacters, WORDs or LINEs
from SourceVar and put it into DestinationVar.

SourceVar      - The source variable.

CUT|COPY       - CUT will cut the CHARacters, WORDs or LINEs from SourceVar
                 whereas COPY will just copy them into DestinationVar, without
                 changing the SourceVar contents.

CHAR|WORD|LINE - Keywords denoting whether you want an Amount of CHARacters,
                 WORDs or LINEs cut or copied.

Amount         - How many CHARacters, WORDs or LINEs to cut or copy.
                 A Positive amount means CUT or COPY from the beginning of 
                 the variable, whereas a negative amount means from the end.

DestinationVar - The destination variable to put the stuff cut or copied.

example :
MyVar = "This is a variable"
CutVar MyVar CUT CHAR -2 MyOtherVar

After these 2 lines have executed, MyVar should contain "This is a variab"
and MyOtherVar should contain "le"

Example gui :  Run Gui   Source