Fustigator's WTT-cure (11Kb)
WTT (11Kb)

The WTT cure is a therapy used in people who suffer from the Mad Kees Disease, also known als the Logopedic Keesianic Syndrome
It must be administered by highly specialised therapists since the side-effects are quite unpredictable when the sufferer is a heavy kase.Some kases are even upper kases, as even emperors might be suffering from the MKS. The molecule used is called Westmalle Tripel Trappist and is brewed in Flamutchistan-Belgium.

About the MKS

The Mad Kees Disease (MKS) also known as the Logopedic Keesianic Syndrome is a mental disease which makes the sufferer, who otherwise behaves more or less normally, misspell a single word. Since only one single word is being misspelled it is otherwise difficult to detect the existence of this condition, unless that particular word is being pronounced or written down.
The very word is the name of Paulus de Boskabouter's owl OEHOEBOEROE which is to be pronounced as Uhuburu by normal persons). The sufferer of the MKS has an unrestrained compulsion to put an "R" instead of the "H" (third letter of the word). This makes a funny effect which is immediately recognised by everybody, even unskilled, in the tracing of this awful psychiatric logopedic condition.

Here you see a couple of sufferers of the MKS.
Notice the typical single-Dutch folkloric surroundings for those people living in primitive conditions in some remote place in North America.

BierDoel (25Kb)

The therapeutic possibilities

The rarity of this psychiatric disorder has not been favorable to much research about the therapeutic possibilities of this MKS. Nevertheless, a good research programme started in Belgium -Europe in 1996 and were initiated by a series of experiments in the month of August. 1997 upon the heaviest Upper-Kase known in the world. But the results although encouraging at first, were not lasting, and after five days, the patient returned to its awful pathological condition. More research was obviously badly needed. The doses had for sure to be increased.

The way of handling the drug

WTT-Cure(rare) (38Kb) Here you see the preparation by Dr Faust y Gator of the substance in a special glass so, that it can be taken immediately by the Mad Kase.

Note that some drops escaped from the bottle outside the glass. After thorough investigation and cross-hearings of the experimentator, the latter declared that he had been taken about three of four bottles of the substance himself shortly before starting the experiment on the heavy Kase.. We observe here a slight impairment of the coordination of his movements. This shows a heavy impregnation of WTT by the experimentator. His high ethical standards appear here, since he dares to take himself the same treatment as he inflicts to his patients.

The experiment of August 12th 1999

A second attempt was made on August 12th 1999, the very day after the solar eclips which appeared as well to be a "kees-verduistering" (In order to grasp the very essence of the phenomenon "Kees" (please pronounce "Kees" as "Kase") , we recommend strongly to visit the site of the Kees-fanclub ) We tried to resolve the problems by increasing slightly the doses. Unfortunately the experimentator was too prudent, and didn't increase enough the doses, this owing to the fact that the charming wife of the imperial patient was watching a close eye to the ongoing therapy. (see below )
The effect was really good, but lasted only about a bit less than a week: the Imperial patient did pronounce *and write* the very Name of the Owl correctly during days.

The Genesis of this experiment


God Almighty
God Almighty Buzzin Hornet (86Kb)

came down on earth with great thundernoise, mounting his personal mecanic holy horse Sapetokü . He appeared on the very anniversary of Dr Faust y Gator and gave him this new tool as present in a beatific vision, I mean:

"1 meter of beer"
Meter Bier (101Kb)

We didn't use the "meter of beer" in the experiment of August 12th 1999 on our beloved Upper Kase, since the WTT worked quite well from the beginning of the therapy. But after all, we consider very seriously a future use of it, since the fixating agent (lemon-genever) given to the Divine Kase didn't actually fulfill our expectations.

For the ones who really feel compelled to endure the highest mystical experiences, there is a direct line to God Almighty:

Please click
and forget anything which had to do with apples and snakes.

The actual details of the experiment of August 12th 1999

See here our most beloved Kaiser Kees starting ingurgitating the divine WTT. The investigator/experimentator plays in the meantime the ney which is a divine sounding instrument also known as the persian flute. This in honor of God Almighty, who sits at the right.. Under this, on the next photo, you see the experimentator (right) who controls the correctness of the very Name of the Owl just written by the Imperial patient (left). This correct writing succeeded after a few WTT's.

The picture just above shows the ending phase of the experiment. Kaiser Kees ingurgitates a half bottle of lemon-genever, which acts as a catalyst-fixating agent to enhance the result and make it lasting. Look at the utmost blissful faces of both the patient and the therapist.

Possibly valid alternatives

But the main research team under the lead of Dr Faust-y-Gator is looking after new therapeutic possibilities. The use of "Vapeur Cochonne" ( = Swiny damp) a new molecule brewed in Pipaix -Hainaut, Wallonistan-Belgium seems to be most promising, and also another one called "Delirium Tremens" brewed in Flamutchistan-Belgium (see under).

The Vapeur Cochonne (Swiny Damp) exist in the following dosages :

1. for males

2. for experienced females

3. for immediate post-virginal young females...

As described above, research will start very shortly in affected kases. Till now the experiments were performed only on healthy subjects (Phase I ) and no noxious side-effects were reported unless a slight tendency of porcine behavior which was only observed in doses which were three or four times higher than the proposed therapeutic dose.

* * *

Another alternative is shown below:

The front and the back of the bottle:

Here now the pharmaceutical details written on the back of the bottle:

This substances has the great advantage to give you some apocalyptic visions, better that any known psychedelic drug. The marvelous roseate elephants are a joy for the eye and can only be compared with the "pitti" who were lovely painted by the italian painters of the Baroque era. The therapeutic activity of "Delirium Tremens" has not yet been enough tested on healthy people in Phase I of the experiments, but the results are promising!

As it is the Kase in the WTT, one should never drink the muddy substance which is located at the very bottom of the bottle.

This is the very end of this endless story about the MKS and its treatment