1001 BC to AD 2500

revised November 2003

Please send comments to Felix Verbelen

The presented datafile list includes all lunar eclipses visible on Earth during the period 1001 BC to AD 2500.

Several excellent catalogues of lunar eclipses already exist, for example [1], but these use Ephemeris Time (or Terrestrial Time).
Our list is based on Universal Time and therefor tends to be directly usable for historical research.

Up till October 4th 1582, dates are according to the Julian Calendar.
After that date we used the Gregorian Calendar.
Years before AD 1 are given according to the astronomical notation.
This means that year 1 is preceded by year 0, which is preceded by year -1.
So, year 1 = AD 1, year 0 = 1 BC, year -1 = 2 BC, and so on.

Time indications
All times are expressed in Universal Time (UT).
In a number of countries UT is still referred to as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

In order to derive the local mean solar time for some location on Earth, a correction has to be applied to the given times.
If the geographical longitude of the observer's location is taken positive for longitudes West of Greenwich
and negative East of Greenwich, the correction to be applied equals:

     correction (hours) = - geographical longitude (degrees) / 15

For a number of major Mesoamerican locations corrections are tabulated hereafter:

Location correction
(hours and minutes)
CHICHEN ITZA - 5 h 54 m
CHOLULA - 6 h 33 m
COPAN - 5 h 57 m
LA VENTA - 6 h 16 m
MONTE ALBAN - 6 h 27 m
PALENQUE - 6 h 08 m
QUIRIGUA - 5 h 56 m
TEOTIHUACAN - 6 h 35 m
TIKAL - 5 h 59 m
TULA - 6 h 37 m
UXMAL - 5 h 59 m
YAXCHILAN - 6 h 04m

These corrections have to be added to the tabulated times in order to obtain the mean local time at the considered location.

     According to our list, a total lunar eclipse was at maximum on June 18, 1201 AD at 2 h 47 m UT.
     At that moment the local mean solar time at Tikal was

           2 h 47 m - 5 h 59 m (+ 24 h) = 20 h 48 m (of the previous day)

     To obtain a list of the lunar eclipses that were actually visible in the Mesoamerican region during
     the period AD 1 to AD 1600 see our datafile of Lunar Eclipses in Mesoamerica.

Method of calculation - Delta T
For the calculations of the eclipses we started from the classical theories [2 to 8], not taking into account small periodical variations in the solar and lunar orbits.
To take into account the general deceleration of the Earth's rotation and long-term periodic irregularities of this rotation, this means to convert Terrestrial Time (TT) to Universal Time (UT), several equations have been proposed, among others by Spencer Jones [8], L.V.Morrison and F.R. Stephenson [9], F.R.Stephenson and L.V. Morrison [10], F.R.Stephenson and M.A. Houlden [11], and F.R.Stephenson [12].

We used the following equations   [11] :

     till AD 948:
     DeltaT = 1830 - 405*E+46.5*E^2
     where E = Julian centuries since AD 948

     after AD 948:
     DeltaT = 22.5 t^2
     where t = Julian centuries since AD 1850

The uncertainties with respect to the Earth's rotation do not affect the accuracy of the calculated magnitude of the lunar eclipses.

The datafile
Eclipses occur when the centres of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in a straight line or nearly so.
A lunar eclipse is only possible at Full Moon, when the Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon.
At that time, the Earth's shadow cast by the Sun can cover a portion or the whole Moon.
If the Moon's orbital plane around the Earth coincided with that of the Earth around the Sun, a lunar eclipse would occur at every Full Moon.
But the Moon's orbit is inclined at some 5° 9' to the ecliptic (= plane of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun), so that a lunar eclipse can only occur when the three bodies happen to be on or near the line of intersection of the two orbital planes (= nodes line).
There are two zones of shadow produced by the Earth: one where all sunlight is blocked and a second where only part of the sunlight is intercepted.
The first we call umbra, the second penumbra.

The following types of lunar eclipses exist: The Datafile lists all the lunar eclipses that where observable on Earth, with the following details :

Column details
yyyy calendar year (astronomical notation)
mm calendar month
dd calendar day
jd (UT) Julian day number, given with 2 decimals, according to the astronomical notation.
The number refers to the time of maximum eclipse.
Like all the other time indications, the Julian day number is according to Universal Time.
dT assumed value for DeltaT (seconds)
lun Lunation number.
The lunation number 0 corresponds to Full Moon of January 15th, 1900 AD. [1]
Full moons, - Lunations -, are to be counted as positive numbers after that date; before the lunation numbers are negative.
bgpn Beginning of the penumbral phase (hours.minutes)
em1 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the beginning of the penumbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
bgum Beginning of the umbral phase (hours.minutes)
If "---": no umbral phase occurs.
em2 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the beginning of the umbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
bgtl Beginning of total umbral phase (hours.minutes)
If "---": no total umbral phase occurs.
em3 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the beginning of the total umbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
max Time of maximum eclipse, either umbral or penumbral (hours.minutes).
em4 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at maximum eclipse.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
endtl End of total umbral phase (hours.minutes)
If "---": no total umbral phase occured.
em5 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the end of the total umbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
endum End of the umbral phase (hours.minutes)
If "---": no umbral phase occured.
em6 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the end of the umbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
endpn End of the penumbral phase (hours.minutes)
em7 Elevation (degrees) of the Moon above the horizon at the end of the penumbral phase.
Since the eclipses are listed for the whole Earth, it is impossible to calculate a specific elevation.
Therefore, a 0 elevation is shown. This column is only included to make this list compatible with those dealing with specific locations.
T Type of eclipse:
t = total umbral
u = partial umbral
p = penumbral (either partial or total)
mxp Magnitude of the penumbral phase.
The given quantity equals the diameter of the penumbral zone entered by the Moon, compared to its own diameter.
The eclipse is partial penumbral if the given quantity is between 0.0 and 1.0; else it is total penumbral .
mxu Magnitude of the umbral phase.
The given quantity equals the diameter of the umbral zone entered by the Moon, compared to its own diameter.
The eclipse is a partial umbral one if the given quantity is less than 1.0.
If the given value is greater than 1.0 than the eclipse is total.
Saros Number of the Saros series to which the eclipse belongs. [13]
Inex Number of the Inex series to which the eclipse belongs. [13]
wd Weekday (mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa,su)

Downloading the datafile
There are 2 possibilities to download the datafile:

[1] MEEUS Jean and MUCKE Herman - Canon of Lunar Eclipses -2002 to +2526 -- Canon der Mondfinsternisse -2002 bis +2526 - Astron. Büro, Wien, 1979)
[2] Improved Lunar Ephemeris - (Washington, 1954)
[3] Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris - (HMSO, London, 1961)
[4] SMART W.M. - Textbook on Spherical Astronomy - (Cambridge University Press, 1977)
[5] MEEUS Jean - Tables of Moon and Sun (Kessel-Lo, 1962)
[6] MEEUS Jean - Astronomical Formulae for Calculators - (Urania, Hove / VVS, Brussel, 1978)
[7] Mc NALLY D. - Positional Astronomy (Muller, 1974) [8] DANJON A. - Astronomie Générale (Blanchart, 1980)
[9] MORRISON L.V. and STEPHENSON F.R. - Sun and Planetary Systems - Vol.96 (Reidel, 1982)
[10] STEPHENSON F.R and MORRISON L.V - Long-Term changes in the rotation of the Earth - Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. - Vol.313 (1984)
[11] STEPHENSON F.R and HOULDEN M.A. - Atlas of Historical Eclipse Maps - Cambridge Univ. Press. (1986)
[12] STEPHENSON F.R. - Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation Cambridge Univ. Press. (1997)
[13] VAN DEN BERGH G. - Periodicity and Variation of Solar (and Lunar) eclipses (H.D.Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, Harlem, 1955)
